
Understanding VI Peel: A Guide to Skin Rejuvenation


The VI peel / Vitality Intence Peel is a gentle yet powerful medical grade peel, targets hyperpigmentation . Is good for fine lines and wrinkles , evening out skin tone, smoothing and brightening.

30 mins
VI CHEMICAL PEEP (session of 3 treatments)
The VI peel / Vitality Intence Peel is a gentle yet powerful medical grade peel, targets hyperpigmentation . Is good for fine lines and wrinkles , evening out skin tone, smoothing and brightening.

30 mins

What is VI Peel: Chemical Peels

VI Peel is a chemical peel that helps address various skin concerns like acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin texture. It removes dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, revealing smoother and more radiant skin underneath.

The VI Peel body treatments use a synergistic blend of ingredients, including salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid, to promote rapid cell turnover and improve the appearance of signs of aging and sun damage. Whether treating acne scars or achieving a brighter skin tone, VI Peel offers effective results with just one treatment.

It suits all skin types and can help purify pores, reduce excess oil production, and improve skin texture and clarity.

VI Peel Benefits For Skin Concerns

VI Peel offers various benefits and uses for various skin concerns. This chemical peel targets dead skin cells on the surface. It helps with acne scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles, making your skin smoother and more radiant.

VI Chemical Peel is made for different skin types and works well on darker skin tones. It can clear stubborn post-acne scars and reduce excess oil. It also fades skin discoloration, giving you a brighter complexion.

VI Peel helps with signs of aging, sun damage, and uneven tone. Its synergistic blend promotes rapid cell turnover, revealing healthier-looking skin.

VI Peel treats various skin conditions with its medium-depth resurfacing action. It reveals a smoother and more even skin surface. VI Peel is a versatile solution for improving skin health and addressing specific skin concerns.

Different Types of VI Peel

VI Peel offers different types of skin resurfacing chemical peels. These VI chemical peels address acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven tone.


VI Peel Purify is a chemical peel that targets acne-prone skin by reducing excessive oil production and improving bright skin tone. It contains ingredients that help clear clogged pores, reduce inflammation, and promote a clearer complexion.


VI Peel Precision is formulated to clear acne and smooth skin texture. The VI Peel penetrates multiple skin layers to address aging skin concerns.


VI Peel Precision Plus helps with pigmentation problems and uneven tone, giving you a brighter complexion.


The VI Peel Original is excellent for renewing your skin, making it smoother and healthier. It works by reaching medium-depth powerhouse peel into your skin to tackle signs of aging, sun damage, and other skin concerns.

VI Peel offers different types of skin resurfacing chemical peels. These VI chemical peels address acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven tone.

VI Peels Treatment Process

VI Peel Services in Bronx, NYC

Preparation for VI Chemical Peel Procedure

Firstly, it’s essential to consult with a qualified skincare professional to ensure the treatment is suitable for your skin type and concerns. 

Before the procedure, avoid using harsh skincare products or treatments that could irritate your skin. 

Also, inform your skin care specialist about any medications or recent skin treatments you’ve undergone. 

On the day of the procedure, ensure your skin is clean and free of any makeup or skincare products. This helps the VI Peel solution penetrate the skin effectively. 

These preparation steps can help ensure a smooth and successful VI Peel procedure.

How VI Peel Works

VI Peel's smoothing acne treatment clears skin imperfections effectively. VI Chemical Peel works through a simple yet effective process:

  1. Preparation: The skin is thoroughly cleansed to remove dirt, oil, or makeup.

  2. Application: A gentle brush or sponge applies the VI Peel solution to the skin. 

  3. Penetration: The solution reaches deep into the dermis underneath, targeting dead skin cells, impurities, and signs of aging at their source.

  4. Activation: Over the next few hours, the solution begins to work, stimulating cell turnover and rejuvenating the skin from within.

  5. Post-peel care: The peel is neutralized and removed after the recommended time (typically 4-6 hours). Post-peel care instructions, including moisturizing and sun protection, are provided to ensure optimal results and minimize potential side effects.

  6. Results: In the days following the peel, the skin experiences a natural exfoliation process, revealing smoother, clearer, and more radiant skin.

Multiple treatments may be recommended for optimal results depending on individual skin concerns and goals.

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Chemical Peel Aftercare Treatment

Your skincare professional will provide detailed instructions tailored to your skin type and the intensity of the peel. Generally, it would be: 

  1. Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily to protect your skin from UV rays. 

  2. Keep your skin hydrated by using gentle moisturizers recommended by your skincare specialist.

  3. Refrain from picking or scratching at your skin as it heals, which can lead to scarring and irritation.

  4. Avoid harsh skincare products, such as exfoliants or retinoids, until your skin fully recovers. Be patient and allow your skin time to heal and rejuvenate.

With proper aftercare, you can expect improvements in your skin's texture, tone, and overall appearance following a VI Peel body treatment.

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Who Can Benefit from VI Peel?

VI Peels can benefit many people with different skin types and conditions, whether acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, or uneven skin tone.

It’s suitable for various skin types and addresses multiple skin concerns. Whether you’re dealing with excessive oil acne, rough skin texture, or signs of aging, VI Peel’s formulations can help promote smoother, brighter, and more rejuvenated skin.

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Achieving Radiant Skin with VI Peel

VI Peel offers a comprehensive solution for achieving radiant skin. If you have acne scars, fine lines, or uneven tone, VI Peel can help. Its different formulas and medium-depth resurfacing action can treat many skin problems.

Infused with anti-aging collagen, VI Peel promotes firmer, youthful-looking skin. Let VI Peel treat signs of aging, leaving you with smoother and healthier skin.

Different skin types require specific treatments. VI Peel has different formulations, such as VI Peel Purify Precision and Precision Plus. These target various skin concerns. These treatments can make your skin smoother, reduce signs of aging, and speed up cell turnover. VI Peels reveal smoother skin, giving you a healthier-looking complexion.